The First Round of Blockchain Training Course is Nearing Completion
  • 23 August 2020
  • General

Blockchain technology kicked off with the success of cryptocurrencies, although it was first described back in 1991. Blockchain is the platform behind Bitcoin’s success story. It has become a household word for the many start-ups in the IT sector, but more and more entrepreneurs outside the industry are seeing the benefits of it. Once its upsides have become apparent, it is readily available to be used by anyone wise enough to implement it in their business operations

Today we are at a crossroads in the world of technology; as the blockchain revolution will change the basics of the interaction between individuals and institutions in both public and private sectors. This training targeted those who have an entrepreneurial idea and seek to develop innovative solutions using blockchain technology as a way of contributing to the process of building a new generation of emerging companies. It was held from 5 July 2020 to 23 August 2020 via zoom. The trainer was the Blockchain Strategist, project manager, and consultant Eng. Sherif Salah who gave this training course to 40 trainees following this outline:  

  1. History of Money
  2. Blockchain Foundation a. Blockchain Definition
  3. Digital & Cryptocurrencies
  4. Blockchain Use cases – Applications
  5. Blockchain Enterprise Platforms
  6. Blockchain Business Model